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Red smoke fired pot with gold lustre.
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• This red ceramic pot is made from porcelain and has been smoke-fired in sawdust. Would make a special gift for your friend.
• The pot was thrown on my wheel, red slip was then added and next it was burnished. After this I added some glaze and copper carbonate.
Then it was fired in my electric kiln.
• After the first firing gold lustre was added onto certain parts of the glaze. It was then fired again to set the gold.
• Next it was smoke-fired outside in sawdust. This is when I cover the pot with sawdust set light to it and let it burn overnight.
Sometimes I add salt or copper carbonate
to encourage different colours and textures.
I love the markings that the smokefiring produces on the surface of the pot. I have taken a close up photo so you can see the magical beauty.
• Lastly it was cleaned and polished with beeswax.
I am a studio potter working in Leamington Spa, UK and exhibit my work extensively.
• Height- 10cm.
• Width-10cm.(at widest part).
Free shipping.
Ref: RedSP55